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What IF…?

What IF…?


What IF does well to tell the stories we most likely won’t see on the big screen. It tries its best to leave little to the imagination and answer all the “what if” questions… which in turn creates my doors for more what if scenarios… also meaning more potential seasons of What IF stories (what are you talking about). The alternate designs of the characters and stories are fun. Some wicked action scenes with both hand-to-hand combat and magic fights, the animation made it all flawless. They really reach deep within their catalogue from your Z list characters from Shang Chi to Korg… everyone gets to play a role. Despite its heavy comedic tone at times, it holds all the stories in a serious light and brings it full circle.

Kahhori being an original and brand-new character for the show was a nice touch. Making her central to the story was also brave. She was a nice addition and gave us a fresh outtake as a new insertion. Introducing a whole new character arc, new powers and new motives she fitted in well. I wonder if she will be introduced into the main MCU. Now with the successful introduction of Kahhori into the MCU via this medium maybe this was a tester… maybe this could be an avenue to introduce the FOX characters to the MCU? The X-men? F4? It could work. This was an excellent watch. If you’re unfamiliar with the MCU you can’t appreciate this show very much in my opinion. It’s a cluster of Easter Eggs which you can only enjoy if you know the original stories.

What stories do you want to see explored? What IF we finally get a hulk vs superman? Who wins? Is the watcher the villain in this show? How many seasons of this can we get? Or with the endless possibilities can do this show go on forever?

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