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Solo Leveling

Solo Leveling


The whole world set up is just my kind of thing. A society of super humans who all develop powers at a certain age, a set level where no one can level up… and everyone is tasked with closing these demon gates by raiding them! I was so easily sold! We have jinwoo who is one of the weakest fighters then all of a sudden, he survives a form of double dungeon and comes out with all new powers and he’s able to level up. Its man vs beasts then all of sudden the show gets dark when humans start getting murdered. I am not complaining. One thing production does well subtly is as the episodes keep going the aesthetics of the overall show improve with the characters evolution. By episode 5 I had to double check to see if I missed something because he was a whole new character.

As a character he has loads of layers the creator explores. They dive deep into his anxiety and it’s a fun journey watching him overcome it all. They touch on other mature themes around rape, suicide and loss. Its literally like watching the behind the scenes of a video game character. He faces new challenges and unlocks new perks and skills… whilst having these internal debates when it comes to choices. The show is paced well and its left on a big bang in the finale which leaves you excited for more… luckily for you, at the time of filming this, season 2 has been confirmed and a video game is also to follow!

Overall, it’s a must watch! The action is brilliant and the character designs are bright and beautiful.

Did you enjoy the show? Are you excited for season 2? Which enemy was a standout for you?

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