Right off the bat i enjoyed it. It was a fun and spine chilling encounter but its not without flaws. It starts really well, reminiscent of a From Dusk Till Dawn format where the beginning is just an outright thriller heist film before we get to the mainstage and it all kicks off. The middle as well brilliant and hair raising having me at the edge of my seat. The ballerina outfit in general is a no for me, put a vampire in it aswell… and its a double no for me! She’s dancing, singing just tip toeing all over that gaff! Its harrowing!
Besides lil miss the best thing about the family is its characters. With all different backstories and motives it molds together to make a decent story essentially. It has a nice cute family orientated theme around it all. In regards to kills its not that creative but theres not much that could be done with that to be honest as it is a… gnashing teeth! The final act for me is where there is some struggle. Movie loses its identity on whether it wants to be serious film or a kind of black comedy. I would have stuck with the serious tone. The lore and plots get a bit messy and lose its consistency and quite frankly it didnt need to because i feel the film was 20min longer than it needed to be.
Overall Alisha makes it worthwhile. Her eerie aura as a sadistic ballerina prancing around dancing with a headless body is a scene alone worth tuning in for. I’d like to see more of this universe. I’d like to see the world explored and expanded but what direction can they take it in… i’ll leave it to you geniuses in the studio!
Did you enjoy this film? Where do you think they can go next? Maybe a sequel with farda vamp involved this time around?