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Interview with the Vampire

Interview with the Vampire


The series embraces the queer elements of Rice’s work, which are only insinuated in the 1994 film adaptation of the novel, and deals with themes such as race and abuse. We witness full man on man love here and I can only imagine the queue of people who would have paid to see Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt do the do. What i loved most was the teacher student dynamic. The master course in being a vampire. We get a more laid out explanation to powers and how they unfold and how they can be utilized in becoming the ultimate hunter. There are some good powers to see here too. The show gives this debate of who should be killed and why they should be killed and as the viewer you find yourself sometimes siding with Lestat and sometimes with Louis. It messes with your psyche. Claudia made for an interesting character with her dark background and the fact it didnt change much even with the powers. I’m keen to see where the characters development goes. All in all this is the beginning of the exploration of a 10000 year open relationship… I’m keen to where it goes next… Season 2 has been confirmed so I will defo be tuned in.

Who was your favourite character? Did you prefer the series or the movie? Are you happy with the actress change for season 2? How accurate is this series to the book? React and comment below!

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