I haven’t seen the original but whether it was good or not this would have made for a good original movie. It made for a good DRACTION… copyright pending! Some interesting characters were here even a lot of them felt like they were in passing with zero to minimal development. Laura and Charlie had the whole innocence, cheeky and cute role handled. Frankie being the business owner with her “keep going” attitude and big dreams. Jake’s Dalton however had some good layers. From his 1st scene just casually embracing a stab wound you instantly start to think is this guy trying to die? As the story progresses his story unfolds and it all makes sense and its quite dark.
There’s still a healthy dose of comedy which Jake brings with his nonchalant approach to life or death situations… I definitely giggled. You have others like Arturo Castro assisting with comic relief and of course big bad McGregor. He was hilarious! From his introduction complete with the Billionaire Strut to his fight scenes! He came and did his job! Jake Vs Conor was a perfect match up. That fight alone was enough to push this to the big screen.. God bless you Prime! Where it struggled for me was the forced love interest. Wasn’t organic enough and just came out of the blue. Runtime as well was a bit too long, dragged out a bit.
Overall it’s a good watch! Conor’s 1st outing, he did alright. Think it will open more doors. Jake excellent as always… and the breathtaking camera angles in the fight scenes! Recommended!