I liked the whole concept. It has these interesting characters with these quirky characteristics which made for good entertainment. An assassin whose signature is suffocation by carrier bags in which his bags are made into art and he becomes famous from it… am I lying it sounds good? But something was really missing.
Its a great cast and that alone is enough to lure an audience in via the marketing. They give very good performances especially Uma. The jokes are cheap and you will need a different kind of humour to appreciate it but there isnt enough to carry the movie. It felt like the whole film was a dig at art lovers… maybe saying you guys just love any piece of trash (pun intended) A lot of you will leave disappointed. Its a flat story that goes no where, a boring ending which will try its best to put you to sleep… similar to how Manganiello seem to be through the whole film.
I’d skip this altogether. Maybe watch the trailer… its definitely better than the whole film.