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Under Paris

Under Paris


Under Paris gave it the big finesse. I saw a poster and it had a quote from a critic saying 10/10 and said the best shark movie… since jaws.. and im a sucker for an animal/monster hunt movie. Ohhh they tricked as well. Think sharknado or sharktopus or them ting there… yh we are in that space over here. The thing is films like these i believe are done on purpose. They are on a “lets make it sooo bad, that its good” i’ve clocked it cos there are some decent scenarios that play out that will have cringe or laugh out loud.. I laughed.

Some protesters all march into the sharks underground lair. Some decide to swim whilst most stand on high and dry platform. The shark does nothing. Its just in the water, it cant reach you or nothing… but chaotic panic ensues and folks start trampling on each other and falling over into the water. The shark must have been confused it self, couldnt believe its luck. It becomes such a buffet that the shark doesnt bother finishing its meals, it takes one arm from there one leg from there circles back for a shoulder and all sorts. The scene was traumatic and fantastic! The dismemberments were well done. The story starts to get real scientific till it enters the fantasy realm and thats where its just long. Logic goes out the window and you even forget they are sharks because they start moving like piranhas. From there each scene is just buffets and buffets for the shark.

Under Paris is a masterclass in the promo and marketing cos i would have defo given it the skip em ups if i knew it was such a B movie. Some things it got right like the claustrophobic and tense scenes but outside of that its a menace. Bad effects, cheesy acting and an ending that plays out almost like a spoof… i would say, in fact go watch it. I need to know if its just me. Just watch it. Under Paris on netflix now!

Is there a space for these B movies in the industry? With that ending would you like to see a sequel? Is Netflix developing a space for all level of productions? Is that a good or bad thing?

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