Earth Mama is a powerful drama that touches on sensitive topics that mothers go through from the perspective of a black young mother… and does it well. Kicks off with gripping monologue. The choices mothers have to make are not simple or easy. This film puts the full focus on mother with no mention of any father figure. Exploring themes around class, race, the cycle of going through the system and how it tends to be generational in most cases. It’s a hard-hitting drama that digs deep into the feels and really gets the emotions going.
I loved the depictions of her inner thoughts. She would often enter this kind of trance and tune out from reality. Smoking drugs and ending up in a woods butt naked… like I wana get that high LOL. They use this as tool to showcase her escapism and its very effective. The ending is quite abrupt which was the only downfall. Being on such a traumatic journey I would have liked to see a happy ending. Leaving it open ended with no point of a sequel felt a bit meh. Overall Leaf’s outlook on the black community through the eyes of motherhood is brilliant. Being so young herself and talking from somewhat of experience, she kept it grounded and solid. She’s already won some awards for this and I’m confident shes due some more. Recommended watch.
How many of you also thought sis was going to pop out twins? Which part did your tears flow? Do you think she got her kids back?