This was a very ambitious shot by warner bros. the choice to take such a sensitive story and apply this level of brightness, music and emotions was brave and they made it work. The Color Purple wraps you in a warm embrace, like a cozy quilt cradling you on a chilly night. It’s like indulging in a childhood ritual of milk and cookies by the fireplace. While the narrative from the original movie may be well-known, witnessing Celie’s struggles, including colorism, abuse, and pregnancy, is like reopening an old wound, one that still stings with raw emotional truth. Her journey is a testament to the human spirit, a spirit that flickers even in the darkest corners of despair.
The film’s strength lies in its celebration of women, the sisterhood that that every woman desires and needs. It dismantles the stereotype of the STRONG Black woman, revealing the vulnerability and fragility that lies beneath the surface strength. I’m not entirely a musical lover. But the musical productions didn’t overpower the story but rather complemented it, which helped you tap into deeper emotions and experiences. I was impressed. I was a bit weary wondering what the hell is going on here? A musical? But they delivered… a movie we are due to see win a lot of awards.
Who was your favourite character? How emotional did you get? What was your favourite song? React and comment below