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Thor: Love and Thunder

Thor: Love and Thunder

  • Some say the MCU was a lucky strike with its first 11 years and now it’s lost. With this movie, I can see it. A terrible ordeal I had to sit through.

Christian, a AAA movie star wasted and under used. The minimal screen time he got he utilised. His display of a loving father turned sadistic villain was good but as mentioned, we didnt see enough of it. We get the notion that Thor has bonded well with the GOTG but again not enough screen time. Again the same with Jane, for such a monumental character in comics, her appearance as Mighty Thor although was good felt like a cameo and short lived. Nat was excellent. I was more impressed with her physical achievements to fit into the role. Her stance in this movie had the plot dive more into a more romcom than the action films we have come accustomed to. They captured their chemistry well. I am confident that we will see Jane again. Hemsworth was excellent as always.

The action scenes are brilliant as expected from a Marvel film. Specifically the big battle with the children. Very very diff, also not powers I knew Thor had. It was cute, refreshing and cemented the thought that this is designed to be a very family friendly movie. Some of the jokes landed and some didnt but I think Ragnorak does it better. The cinematography was lovely. The dark aesthetic blended with the big bright colours in certain scenes was brilliant. I enjoyed the soundtrack, Taika clearly had a theme n stuck with it.

All in all It felt like a presentation of Chris muscles and ass, tired jokes and metal music. Its a bland movie with a few moments. Best way to put it is the movie felt like a filler. Some content to get us through the summer. I expect this movie to be on Disney plus in the next 3 months if not tomorrow… definitely not cinema worthy.

Are you looking forward to Four? 👀 See what I did there… wordplay ☺️

Thorward your Thorghts in the comments… I’m on a roll 😇

Fun fact: Chris real life daughter plays Love 🥰

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