Jim is magnificient as always. He’s a whole human being that moves like an actual cartoon. Idris as Knuckles I struggled with. We now have proof that Idris is incapable of switching of the sexy voice LOL. Both Knuckles and Tails were great additions to the story and actually brought some content value. The story in this movie is a blend of a Sonic games meshed together and they try to dive into a bit more of the lore involved in the franchise… thats right people… that Sonic game you played wasnt just about a hopping blue hedghog freeing the animals from robots and collecting rings…
The movie’s subplots are terrible and were a part we could have lived without as it adds nothing to the content and is actually a poor attempt at comedic value. In fact minus James and Jim… all the other humans did not need to be in the film. They over/under act and are quite frankly just not funny. The action scenes are brilliant and some are even reminiscent of a DBZ fight. The colours used are flawless but the effects do suffer a bit in some scenes. As a gamer the easter eggs are “eggcelent” especially the swimming reference and there are loads in the film to spot. The highlight would be the gem ridden mega dragonball Z reference which I wont name as this is a spoiler free review. You’re welcome!
Its definitely a recommended watch. Action, comedy, nostalgia and Jim Carrey, a recipe that cant really fail. The post credit scene just shows the movie is heading in a good direction which in turn just means the franchise is due to get even better and better. They do seem to be speeding through the content of the games so most likely due to have some original stories soon.
How many easter eggs did you spot? Who was your fave out of the trio? Was Knuckles voice too sexy to be in a kids movie?
Speed into the comments and leave your thoughts….