That over the top silly, cringe comedy. For their time you could find comedy in them but try watching one now… they are just not it. Same with this movie, terrible story, lack of humour, poor acting and rubbish pacing. You will find you’ll be asking yourself numerous times “how did we get here” ??♂️
Wahlbergs role was pointless and it felt like he didn’t wana be there himself. Felt there was minimal effort and he most likely celebrated the lack of screen time. There r movies we watch that are just mindless fun, we watch to just get through… this movie isn’t even that.
I’m confident this was pitched for theatre release and was denied, and rightly so. I can’t recommend anything about this movie. You should skip it. KenKen watched it so you don’t have to ? you’re welcome!
Who else endured this pain? Better question, who liked it? When you’re engaging in your “me time” leave your thoughts in the comments…