When I heard it was a musical I definitely was nervous for this classic. I was right to be. I watched Mean Girls at a pivotal and juvenile time in my life. I learnt some big lessons from it that I took into my adulthood. This version of MG loses that essence rapidly. Don’t get me wrong the message is still there, it does have some great music but the 2 together just didn’t work well. I would say this is more a movie of the broadway musical.
This version of MG does decide to work the story’s angle from Damian and Janice which gave it some perspective. I did like that. Apart from that it was a literally a like for like in script mostly. I tried my best to watch it without the high expectations of the original but that wasn’t possible. The highlights for me were the songs and Renee’s voice, magnificent! Plus Megan Stallions most random appearances, blink and you will miss her.
Overall it felt like a collation of music videos plastered on top of a story. It just didn’t gel well together. I feel the message behind MG is so powerful, impactful and significant that it cant be tampered with or altered. Regardless the songs are worth watch and I will definitely have them on repeat.
Did this remake do the original justice? Was it needed? Have you entered the competition to win your copy of the BluRay and soundtrack?