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Inside Out 2

Inside Out 2


Inside Out 2 is exactly what it says on tin… a kids movie. We’ve had a few “kids movies” that have just way too complicated themes for a child to pick up but this acts more of a translator for kids. Giving them a form of image to explain how they are feeling and watching this with my kids, I can confirm it worked. The new emotions like Anxiety, Embarrassment, Envy and Ennui fit right in. The analogy of our anxiety always getting in the way of our joy… come onnnnn! I FEEL YOU. its really good writing watching the 2 interact with each other. Something that is so complex in real life, made so simple for the kids to digest. I loved the little tropes of like bottled emotions and dark secrets. Lance Slashblade and pouchy were good additions and made for some good laughable moments. Covering themes of family, friendship, love and sticking together, Inside Out 2 does great in sticking the landing. It does a great job appealing to both adults and children.

Thinking about it all, is it going to be an instant classic, perhaps. Its had a good start being the biggest opening of 2024 film. Inside Out 2 has a good concept and loveable characters but it is not perfect. The pacing was a bit slow for me and there were lots of moments where nothing happens, just helped increase the runtime. The humour is meedi but the animation is brilliant and for that its a recommended watch! I’m just glad kids films are becoming kids films again.

What emotions can they introduce next? What do your emotions look like? Pixar if you are introducing vibes… I know the perfect cast member!

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