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Supacell shines in its format of interweaving stories… and it does it so well. As we anticipate this huge climax we witness individual and different stories play out but also crossover each other. So to give you an idea we have Tazer who visits a hospital where Sabrina just so happens to work but they never cross paths, but as the viewer you recognise they are in the same vicinity. It gives that mystery of are they finally going to meet or… its a great build up tool in narratives, execution however is important and its very swift and smooth here. Some of these powers though… everyone just seemed Omega level… OP as fuck! Think they could have been toned down a bit. With Michaels powers he shouldnt really need anyone… teleport, freeze time and time traveler? Everybadddyy fi dead! Supacell is a good blend of a soap drama, action, thriller, sci fi and I could throw in comedy there… Andy Thompson as Twosie was cracking me up.

Above all Rapman should be proud and if not, we are proud of him. A vision predicted on a bus ride home coming into reality and not only that actually being very good… is an amazing achievement. People say, ‘We’ve had enough of this gang stuff,’ and I get it… but how can you shoot a project in south london and not highlight its reality. Grow up folks! Supacell is ambitious. Something Rapman is known for. From Shiros story to Blue story to now Supacell… give bro the funds! Let him cooooookkkkkk! A tight knit ensemble cast mixed with fresh, skilled and new talent coupled with a well versed production team just shows if given the budget quality shows can still come out of the woodwork. Very recommended show.

How many seasons do you want out of this one? Which super power would you have wanted out of this lot? Did that ending work for you? Who was your favourite cameo?

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