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Power Book II: Ghost S4

Power Book II: Ghost S4


Power Book II: Ghost has long carried the weight of its predecessor, Power, but this latest season felt like a shadow of what came before, trying too hard to recreate past success while failing to establish its own footing. One positive takeaway is the show’s attempt to raise awareness about sickle cell, which felt like a well-intentioned subplot amidst the chaos. However, it wasn’t explored with the depth it deserved. Lets talk plots because they shoe horned stuff that seemed like it was planned for a season 5 or 6. On the brighter side, Cane (Woody McClain) and Dru’s (Lovell Adams-Gray) heart-to-heart scene was one of the few redeeming moments of this season. The depth of emotion and their strong acting brought a sense of authenticity that was sorely lacking elsewhere. Cane’s dynamic with Noma added another interesting layer to the character, although even that was underdeveloped. It felt like the writers weren’t sure how far to push their relationship, leaving it hanging without much payoff. Diana’s pregnancy storyline was brief and shallow, more like a short-lived soap opera drama than a meaningful arc. It came and went without leaving much of an impact.

Then there’s the endless deception and betrayals—Effie’s betrayal was a storyline that could have been compelling, but it got bogged down by repetitive plot points. While the series has always thrived on the “snake in the grass” narrative, it became too much, making the twists feel forced rather than shocking. Monet’s death, while one of the few dramatic highlights, felt like a fitting end for her character—dying for her children—but the show’s increasingly predictable nature dulled even this. The season’s final moments were underwhelming, with a predictable and boring ending. Frankly, I was glad it ended where it did. 

Power Book II: Ghost has had its moments, but this season is a far cry from its earlier potential. The show’s attempts to recreate the magic of Power fell short, making it a season that’s easy to forget.

Were you happy with that finale? Who was your favourite character? Did you want to see this universe end? Which spin off character do you want to see developed?

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