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The Northman

The Northman

  • What an initial first 15 minutes! The movie wastes no time to let you know we are going for a gory ride.

It kicks off with a crazy berserker war scene which is shot amazingly. Following the protagonist in almost a one shot scene as he hacks down everything that walks.

One thing I liked a lot about the film is the length they go into to highlight the depth of the viking culture. The display of different deities, rituals and spiritual elements. As to whether factual, I’m not sure but well acted out non the less. The costumes, set pieces, weapons mixed with the mythical epic scenes makes for a lovely blend. There are scenes where you can’t even tell if it’s real or visions.

Its a classic re-enactment of the lion king but more for adults. Strong shows of betrayal, prodigal son returns and revenge. The audio, the music, sound effects all of it really hype up the action and tension. The dreamscape scenes are glorious with well chosen visuals that keep you engaged. The story has a few issues but are saved by some interesting plot twists that really give the WTF notions. Nicole is amazing as expected and manages to hold up the whole movie as its dulling down.

Liked the movie very much but its a movie that can wait till its out of cinema. Recommended watch… from your sofa.

How did you feel on the ritual scenes? Would you like to see a sequel?

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