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Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

We are 7 movies deep and still can’t get this franchise right. We have over 24 video games of material to choose from and still 😡😡! I am a huge fan of the franchise so my anger is very justified. Where to start… firstly if you know you’re not ready to fully commit to our beloved franchises just leave them alone. You gave us half a police station without the famous statue, you gave us a maisonette and tried to sell it to us as the Spencer mansion kmt! The locations of this franchise are just as important as the characters, if you can’t get that right then stop!!

I’m a huge advocate of directors taking a franchise and drifting away slightly from the source material. Making it your own if you will. Embedding the Redfields directly into Umbrella as they did here is a no. These zombie based characters don’t need a plot incentive to survive and even if so u have to do it right 🙃 there’s a build up to some form of zombie girl who turns out to be an ally, does one act and that’s it after all her build up!

I’ll give some high points too cos I’m not a bad guy. The keys for the doors were a nice touch, ripped directly out of the game. The idea of the movie was good, execution not so much. There’s a scene with Chris fighting many zombies in the dark. A scene with soooo much potential but poorly executed. One thing we won’t let you get away with is trying to tell me Chris can hold of 4 zombies with his bare 2 hands… that’s RE 101, 2 zombies = death, but let me calm down.

Overall there was a disconnect through the whole movie. Weskers transition to villainy just wasn’t enough to sell it. The cast (Indian Leon 😔 inclusion and all that I get it) the acting was all off, make up on the zombies was trash and for some reason even the blood on the zombies were CGI… again if you can’t commit just leave it alone! So much potential but fell very short 😪 just showcase of homage to the games, nothing more.

RE fans, were you entertained? Are you happy? Was anyone else angered to see there was a cliffhanger confirming a potential sequel? There must be stopped! Comment your thoughts…

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