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Scream 6

Scream 6


Scream 6 leans a bit too heavily on nostalgia and sometimes frustratingly undercuts its own stakes. Gales return felt like a cheap wow moment and could have done without it. Scream 6 highlight for me was none other than Ghostface himself. There was a scene where bro flipped the whole genre from a slasher to a call of duty scene. He was going hammmm with a shot gun. He was more violent, merciless, villainous. Very much on a anybody can get it vibe… i loved it. Another stand out scene was on the subway. Very well shot and executed… pun intended! The kills were brutal and the worn, battle-scarred Ghostface mask added an extra layer of fear. However, much like Scream 5, Scream 6 had great potential that was ultimately let down by a disappointing Ghostface reveal. Too predictable for me.

Overall the first 75% of the movie worked well. Crazy kills, adrenaline fuelled jumpscares, tension high scenes. The latter was where it lacked. The story does stumble a bit with some predictable plot points and a Ghostface reveal that doesn’t quite pack the punch it aims for. Still, the cast brings energy and charm, and the film’s relentless pace makes for an engaging watch. Scream 6 might not reinvent the genre, but it offers enough scares, gore, and clever callbacks to satisfy fans looking for a fun, thrilling ride. Its on streaming now on Paramount Plus or Sky TV… with a decent run time its not a bad watch.

Does the Scream franchise need to die? Can it still live on? Does the Ghostface mask give the wearer super powers because yh some it dont make sense?

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