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Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl

Disney made it seem like they were treating us to a AAA movie on Disney+ they lied! Anyhow I saw this in cinema I would be raging. Story was terrible and I’m guessing Colin Farrell only took part in it bcos it was in his homeland. Acting was trash, little boy just wasn’t doing it for me. CGI was pants. I would go as far as to say don’t let your children waste their time. The set up, the ending as to say they have sequels planned… hey Disney, don’t do it to urself! We will cancel you! Best thing about the film was seeing our very own Ramsey resident shine in her talent! Rachael we support you girl

Apologies in advance, I’m gona tag you everywhere I see you bcos I’m proud

Movie is NOT recommended in case u didn’t pick up on my hints.

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